Galen [Beyond the Veil 4] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove) Read online
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A whimper came from the direction Finc’s family sat at, and Galen noticed that it was Darix who made the sound, his hand on his mouth as he tried to hold back another sound and tears falling down his face.
Having gotten what he wanted and ensuring that Darix had not been a part of her plan, Galen withdrew the dagger, uncaring about the scream the woman let loose and wiped the blood away on her dress before turning to his guards.
“Take her outside and kill her.”
“No!! I am not done with him! I should have killed him long ago then he would not pollute everything around him!” she shouted as she was dragged out by the guards.
Galen turned away from the mad woman to face Finc’s family. “Get out.”
They did not wait for him to tell them a second time but scurried out of the room, slamming into Sadri, who had just arrived with another man in tow, obviously the healer.
The man came carrying an equipment bag and bowed low to Galen. “Your Highness. I heard my expertise was needed.”
“I need you to check on my mate. He was nearly drowned,” Galen said and then turned away toward the bathing room.
Galen was gone for a short while, washing his hand and drying it before returning to the room to find the healer examining his mate. He stood to the side and allowed the healer to do his job and feeding his mate some herbal medication. Once the healer had Finc in a restful sleep, Galen stepped forward.
“How is he, healer?”
“He is strong, your mate, sire. Rest and under the watchful eye of your personal healer, and he will be back to usual in no time. I was worried about his throat and voice box, though, so I advise that you allow the healers to treat him as soon as you return home, sire.”
“He is fit for travel then?” Galen asked.
The healer nodded. “A few hours rest for now, and you can take your leave whenever you wish to, Highness.”
Galen nodded. “Thank you for your time healer. I will see that you are adequately compensated.”
“You are most gracious, Highness,” the man said with a bow.
“Sadri, show the man out and continue preparations for our departure. I do not wish to stay here any longer,” Galen said, pleased when his aide hurried to do his bidding.
He moved toward his mate’s sleeping form on the bed and sat beside him, staring down at the man and thanking the gods that they had not taken his mate away from him, for he had no idea truly how he would live had the man died.
He traced a hand over Finc’s cheek, and the man’s latches fluttered open. A grimace then pulled on his face and Galen hated it, but he could no doubt tell the reason for why it was there.
“I am sorry you had to see that.” He turned his face away, unable to see the disappointment and horror in his mate’s eyes. “You must think me a monster now.”
Finc reached out and grabbed hold of Galen’s hand, squeezing it. The gesture surprised Galen enough that he looked down at the hand holding on to his, as though he had never seen it before, and then hesitantly up into his mate’s face.
Galen’s face softened at the declaration, and he rubbed a hand over his mate’s cheek, relief punching through him. Of all the things he’d imagined his mate would say or look at him, it was not with understanding and love staring at him that he counted among them, nor was it forgiveness. His throat dry and tears hovering in his eyes, Galen cleared his throat but refused to look away from his mate.
“I love you, too.”
Chapter Thirteen
One month later
Finc stood facing the love of his life, Galen. It had been an uphill battle, especially on Galen’s part, for them to get to this moment and with Finc cheering him on all the time but now, they were finally here. Even though his father and stepfamily had not come for the ceremony, his best friend, Jory, and Ashdal, as well as Jory’s family, had all made the trip for this special moment.
Now, standing before the crowd gathered to watch their mating ceremony in the throne room, they were about to bond forever and proclaim their love for everyone to take note and see. The priestess produced a piece of red silky sash to bind their hands together. Then, eyeing them, she silently requested their acceptance before moving on to the next stage of the ceremony. Without looking away from each other, they nodded, and both offered their unbound hands to the priestess.
A sharp sting was the only indication that the priestess had cut each of their palms, which they then clasped together, ensuring their blood mingled.
“You may repeat the vow,” the priestess announced.
“I pledge myself to thee, mate of mine. I pledge my body, my heart, and my soul throughout eternity. Soul of my soul and blood of my blood, as I bind myself to thee, so be it forevermore.” Their voices rang out harmoniously as they recited the vow together, of their own free will, binding themselves together for all of eternity.
Spoken by soul mates, the powerful ancient words worked with speed, tying them together forevermore. The moment they were done with the vow, a blinding light engulfed them, sealing them together in an unbreakable bond. The light soon dissipated, leaving the newly mated couple clasped together in a passionate embrace.
A loud cheer went up, and soon, the happy couple was surrounded by well-wishers, congratulating them on their official mating. Hodrax, Galen’s father, raised a hand and the crowd fell silent, and then in a large booming voice, he said, “For the second part of the ceremony, the naming of a new king and his consort.”
A hush fell upon the room, and the priestess along with the advisors, minus the Bojore clan as they had been stripped of their title, stepped forward, two of the advisors holding onto two red velvet throw pillows with golden crowns on them. Hodrax held out his hand to his consort, and once she took hold of it, together with his wife, they stepped down from the throne and moved to one side, leaving room for Galen to step up with his mate, Finc, at his side.
The priestess stepped forward, and Galen knelt in front of the throne. “A throne is a responsibility, for he who wears the crown must bear the crown. You are a king before you are a father, a mate, a son, and a brother. Your people’s needs comes before your own, and justice must always be your stronghold. Ruthless to our enemies and tempered in kindness to our allies and your people. Do you so solemnly swear to rule?” the priestess asked.
“I so solemnly swear,” Galen agreed.
“Then by earth and Mother Nature, before the gods and your people, I now crown you king of the Earth Kingdom,” the priestess proclaimed, and one advisor stepped forward with the correct crown. Taking it from the pillow where it rested, the priestess raised it high above her head. “Long live our king!”
“Long live our king!” the crowd chorused, watching as the priestess placed the crown on Galen’s head, and he rose to take his seat on the throne.
The priestess motioned for Finc to kneel before the other slightly smaller throne, and when he did, she began citing the rites.
“A consort must hold love in his heart. Love for his people, love for his king, and love for his husband. A guiding hand in the times of trouble and second opinion to bound ideas. A stronghold in the time of doubts and a shoulder to lean on. Another to share the burden with and a partner in all things to bring joy and balance and happiness. Do you solemnly swear to abide by this?”
“I so solemnly swear,” Finc responded, nodding his head also.
“Then by earth and Mother Nature, before the gods and your people, I now crown you king consort of the Earth Kingdom,” the priestess proclaimed, and one advisor stepped forward with the correct crown. Taking it from the pillow where it rested, the priestess raised it high above her head. “Long live our consort!”
“Long live our consort!” the crowd chorused, watching as the priestess placed the crown on Finc’s head, and he rose to take his seat on the slightly smaller throne.
When they were firmly seated, the priestess turned to face the crowd. “Long live th
e king! Long live the consort!”
“Long live the king! Long live the consort!” the crowd and advisors chorused, chanting it over and over again until the priestess and advisors stepped away from the dais and the new king and consort sat facing their subjects.
Galen raised a hand to halt the people, and when the place was silent, Galen said a smile on his face, “Let the celebration begin.”
And the music began playing, cheers went up into the air, and people began mingling among one another. The dance floor soon filled with couple swaying together to the music, and when Galen saw the look of longing in his mate’s face, he leaned closer to the man.
“Do you want to dance?”
Finc shook his head and bit his lips, nervously. “I do not think it would be proper.”
“Who cares about proper? It is after all our bonding ceremony,” Galen said, then stood to his feet, and held his hand out. “Dance with me?”
The scene immediately sent a flashback through Finc’s memory, and he was transported to Jory’s coming out celebration when Galen had asked him an almost similar question and the dance had been so magical. By the gods, he’d almost forgotten about that. A smile tugged on his lips, and he stared at the intense gray of his mate’s eyes, the answering grin there letting him know that Galen was also remembering that moment.
With a nod, he slid his hand into Galen’s and allowed the man to pull him to his feet and walk him to the dance floor before pulling him into his arms and swaying along with him to the music. They danced like that for a while, just content to be holding each other and to be in each other’s arms, knowing fully well that this time, the difference was that they were officially bonded, and nothing and no one could come in between them.
“Remind me to introduce you to Yves when he finally returns to our realm. He is a fantastic artist I am told. You might consider working with him on your books.”
“Yves? Who is that?” Finc asked.
Chuckling, Galen swept his mate into his arms, twirling him in a circle on the dance floor. “Our cousin-in-law by marriage through Ilno. He is mated to a god. A Greek god to be exact. Apollo.”
“Wow! Really? A real honest to goodness god?” Finc asked in awe.
Galen chuckled. “Yes, Finc. An honest to goodness god,” he said and then burst into laughter.
Finc pouted. “You do not have to make fun of me.”
Galen leaned in and kissed his mate on the lips. “You amuse me mate. I am glad.”
Finc harrumphed but burrowed into Galen and allowed the man to sweep them away in a dashing dance across the floor, secretly loving the sound of Galen’s chuckles. They were lost in their own world, dancing, but Kalen, Galen’s twin, soon tapped Galen on the shoulder to draw their attention, a mischievous grin on his face.
“What?” Galen growled at his twin.
“Don’t hug him all to yourself, brother. Now shoo, shoo. Time for me to show brother-in-law how it’s done,” Kalen said smugly before spinning Finc into his arms and laughing at the not too pleased look on Galen’s face.
Finc also burst out laughing and allowed himself to be drawn away but not before sending an air kiss in Galen’s direction, watching the man catch it and hold it to his heart. He giggled at his mate’s silly action before allowing his attention to be held by Kalen.
Ever since Finc had come to the main citadel and Kalen had found out that he was Funchent, the man kept badgering him to let him see the next installment in his stories, never letting up even though Finc’s answer had always been a resounding no. When Kalen had asked him “why not” and Finc had responded by saying “he could have it when everyone else did also,” the remaining brothers Galen, Xiran, Ciran, as well as Ciran’s mate, Ilno, had all burst into laughter at the put-upon look on Kalen’s face.
It had then been a point of playful contention between the two of them. Kalen would ask each time, and Finc would refuse. Then Kalen would badger him to write faster, damn it, and put the books out in the market, and Finc would respond by shoving his tongue out at Kalen and running away when the man pursued him until he found his mate and hid behind Galen.
Galen had always looked at them with fond annoyance and then told Kalen to go bother someone else, and Kalen would always promise retribution. It was a good life he had here, and although he missed Jory a lot, he would not trade it for anything, especially since Jory often came visiting whenever he could. He had been extremely happy for Jory when he read the man’s letter that told him that he and Ashdal were to be bonded soon and had let Jory know, congratulating the couple the moment he greeted them at the door when they came for his bonding ceremony.
Theirs would be held only a few weeks after his, and Jory had already extracted a promise from him to be there, and he definitely wouldn’t miss it for the world, regardless of the bad memories associated with their place of residence. As though Jory had sensed his slight hesitation though, he’d been more ecstatic when Jory had announced that he and Ashdal would be moving to the central city, and that was where they would hold the ceremony.
His world couldn’t be any more perfect, what with his best friend moving into the area so that they were not separated by miles and several days journey but by mere hours, and his mate who doted on him, and a new family who loved him just the way he was also.
* * * *
Hand in hand, they walked toward their bedroom, well Galen’s old bedroom, which had been redecorated and turned into their marriage suites, smiling broadly at each other, in fact, almost giddy, for they knew what would happen the moment the door closed behind them. When they reached the wing that housed Galen’s apartment and entire floor for their suite, Galen swept Finc up into his arms, taking the other man by surprise.
“What are you doing?” Finc asked with a chuckle,
“Carrying you over the threshold,” Galen said with a smile, his eyes crinkling at the side as he winked at his mate.
Finc threw his head back and burst into a carefree laughter. “You romantic, you.” He then grinned at his mate as the man maneuvered them to push open the door. “It’s perfect. You’re perfect. I love you.”
Galen grinned devilishly at his mate the kicked the door shut behind him and set his mate on the floor. “I love you, too. Now let’s see how many times I can get you to yell that throughout this night.”
Finc bit his lips, pleased. “No sleep?”
“I have a very huge appetite, mate. And I have been the epitome of a gentleman these past few months.” Eyes gleaming, he said in a husky voice, “Take off your clothes.” Even as he began undressing himself.
Finc bit his lips, walking backward toward the bedroom. “Bedroom?”
Galen nodded, and Finc took off, tearing his robe apart from his body and tossing them onto the ground, leaving a trail of clothes and undergarments in his wake.
Chapter Fourteen
Galen crossed the floor and walked into the bedroom, separate from the receiving room, and stopped in his tracks. He stood transfixed, watching his mate naked and spread on the bed, awaiting him and felt his cock harden and curve upward, pointing toward his stomach as desire pooled into him at the erotic sight before him.
He moved toward the bed, unable to resist his mate, and crawled up the slender man’s body until he hovered over Finc, and then licked his lips and dropped his gaze to those soft red succulent lips. Licking his lips once more, Galen leaned in and pressed a tentative kiss to said lips.
“Delicious. Finally going to do what I’ve been wanting to ever since I met you,” Galen breathed.
“Yes, please,” Finc said, wrapping his hands around Galen’s neck and pulling the man closer still.
Galen slanted his head and kissed Finc, hard. Delving into the man’s mouth with months of suppressed passion and need and want and desire. He did not merely kiss Finc. No, he devoured the other man whole. Sucking, biting, swirling his tongue around Finc’s inexperienced one, then drawing it out to play, and what Finc lacked in experience, he more than made
up for in enthusiasm.
“I cannot take my time this first time. I am sorry. But I will try after,” Galen said, his voice hoarse and apologetic all at once as his cock leaked precum onto Finc’s.
Finc pressed his lips to Galen’s once more, holding the man against him. “Have me. I’m yours.”
And with those words, it was as though a dam had broken in Galen, for he reached for a pillow and shoved it under Finc’s ass, and then as he began passionately kissing Finc once more, he reached down and palmed Finc’s cock in his hand and began stroking it.
He broke off the kiss and began trailing kisses down Finc’s body. His chin, his neck, his chest, and then he moved onto one nipple and used his fingernail to scrape against it. The hiss that released from Finc’s lips was a reward in itself, for it told Galen just how sensitive Finc really was. Galen used a thumb and forefinger to pluck at Finc’s nipple, rolling it in his hand and pinching it before scraping against it once more. When he placed his mouth on Finc’s other nipple and began using his teeth to gently play with it and sucking on it even as he used his fingers on the other, Finc jackknifed upward, crying out Galen’s name and moaning loudly.
“Tastes so good,” Galen said as he switched from one nipple to the other, sucking that one also into his mouth.
Yet, he never relented in slowly stroking Finc’s leaking cock, slowly driving his mate made with desire for him, doling out pleasure from both ends of his mate’s body.
“Galen! Galen,” Finc chanted, fisting the bedsheets beneath him as he did not understand what his mate was doing to his body, only that it was too much.
The pleasure was too much and yet somehow, not enough. He wanted more, he needed something, he didn’t understand, and his mind was not thinking but his body. Galen was playing his body like a finely tuned flute. Plucking and stroking where he wanted and blowing and sucking at what he wanted also. Each was slowly driving him out of his mind as tension began building in his body, and he was at a loss as to what to do or how to relieve it.